

The installation process consists of two parts: installing the core library (around 3KB gzipped piece of code that runs in your users' browsers and handles the core logic) and an optional compile-time plugin (for transpiling JSX syntax for your slot elements into regular function invocations).

Install the Core Library

npm i @beqa/react-slots

Install the Compile-Time Plugin (Optional)

The transform-react-slots plugin is necessary to transform slot elements returned by useSlot() into function invocations, as demonstrated below:

// Before transpilation
<slot.default prop1={"foo"} prop2={42}>
// After transpilation
slot.default("Fallback", { prop1: "foo", prop2: 42 });

To install the compile-time plugin, check which build tool is used in your project and follow the specific instructions provided for that tool. Many projects use Webpack and Babel, but other projects might utilize different tools such as Vite, esbuild, or Rollup.


Note: Installing the compile-time plugin is recommended, but you have the option to skip it and start using slots as functions immediately.


Install the core library if you haven't already

npm i @beqa/react-slots

Install @beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots

npm i -D @beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots

Import and add webpack plugin to the plugins list

const { default: unplugin } = require("@beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots");
const nextConfig = {
  webpack(config) {
    // Add this line
    // Don't forget to return config
    return config;
module.exports = nextConfig;

If you have an un-ejected Create React App project and want to keep it that way, we recommend using Craco. Craco allows you to override Create React App's configuration without ejecting. You can read about how to start using Craco and the risks associated with it (opens in a new tab). If your project is ejected, follow the instructions for configuring react-slots with Babel.

Install the core library if you haven't already

npm i @beqa/react-slots

Install @beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots

npm i -D @beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots

Add a craco.config.js file in the root of your project and include the Webpack plugin:

const { default: unplugin } = require("@beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots");
module.exports = {
  webpack: {
    plugins: { add: [unplugin.webpack()] },

Install the core library if you haven't already

npm i @beqa/react-slots

Install @beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots

npm i -D @beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots

Add unplugin.vite to yourvite.config.js before the react plugin:

import unplugin from "@beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots";
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react";
export default {
  // Make sure unplugin.vite is specified before react in your plugins list
  plugins: [unplugin.vite(), react()],

Install the core library if you haven't already

npm i @beqa/react-slots

Install @beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots

npm i -D @beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots

Add unplugin.esbuild to your plugins list in your esbuild config

import unplugin from "@beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots";
await build({
  plugins: [unplugin.esbuild()],

Install the core library if you haven't already

npm i @beqa/react-slots

Install @beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots

npm i -D @beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots

Add the unplugin.rollup to your plugins list before syntax transformation plugins in your rollup.config.js:

import unplugin from "@beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots";
export default {
	plugins: [
		// ... other plugins

Install the core library if you haven't already

npm i @beqa/react-slots

Install @beqa/babel-plugin-transform-react-slots

npm i -D @beqa/babel-plugin-transform-react-slots

Add the plugin to your .babelrc file.

  "plugins": ["@beqa/babel-plugin-transform-react-slots"]
Performance Optimization with Unplugin Options

This section is only relevant to you if you've been instructed to install @beqa/unplugin-transform-react-slots for your build tool.

type Options = {
  include: RegEx;
  exclude: RegEx | RegEx[];
const options = {
  include: /\.(tsx)|(jsx)|(js)/,
} satisfies Options;

unplugin-transform-react-slots is designed to be fast at finding and transforming React slots. By default, it checks every JavaScript (js), JSX (jsx), and TypeScript (tsx) file in your project, excluding files in the node_modules directory. However, you can optimize its performance further by using specific options.

include Option

If you have other tools configured in a way that JSX syntax is only used in certain files, you can provide the include regular expression (RegEx) as an argument to your plugin. For instance:

unplugin.yourBundler({ include: /\.(tsx)|(jsx)/ });

With this configuration, the plugin will only check .tsx and .jsx files in your project, improving performance by skipping unnecessary files.

exclude Option

Additionally, you can use the exclude option to exclude specific files or directories from being processed. This can be useful for excluding configuration files or large files that don't need slot transformation: